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Uca arcuata

Bowed Fiddler Crab

【Uca arcuata】

Name: Bowed Fiddler Crab

Physical Features: Bowed fiddler crabs are common in muddy places near river outlets in Taiwan. For their dark geometrical back patterns, they are also called “net-patterned” fiddler crabs. The males have tiny orange-red dots on their claws, while the females are characterized by pure red claws. Baby crabs have rather different colors. Some are orange-red and others light blue.

Living Habits:Bowed fiddler crabs like to pile up soil around their caves. This makes their homes look like tiny volcanoes which range from 1 to 8 cm tall. The crabs mainly live under mangrove trees and the muddy area beside a river. They love loamy soil.


Number of Visitors:1,120 Last Update: 2015-08-21
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