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Dapeng Bay Marina Ferry Information Zone

Dapeng Bay Marina

Dapeng Bay Marina has 51 berths, Zone A: 3 berths, Zone B: 15 berths, Zone C: 19 berths, and Zone D: 14 berths. The dimensions of berths are 30 feet, 40 feet, 60 feet and 70 feet. The berths are offered for mooring yachts and sailboats, transportation boats, lake cruise boats and other vessels. If yacht players want to make a berth request, please call 08-8338100#154 (working days), 0988518638 (non-working days) for inquiries.

Zone A - Heart of Marina Bay
Berth type Number of open berths Vessel length limit (meter) Vessel width limit(meter) Vessel depth limit(meter) Water supply at shore Electricity supply at shore Fuel supply ice
Shore wall berth 4 27.50 7.50 5.00 NTD 10 /kWh NTD 5/kWh N/A N/A
Fee Schedule


1. Long-term lease: A 70-foot ship pays $35,000/month (water and electricity are charged individually), and a ship with the length of the berth exceeding the berth length pays NT$500 per sq. ft. The details are as follows:
Example 1: A 70 feet ship for mooring at a 70-foot berth in the pier 2, (extra-length 5 feet * $500 = $2,500) + $35,000 = $37,500 per month.
Example 2: A 70 feet ship for mooring at a 70-foot berth in the pier 2, the fee is the minimum rent = $35,000 per month.

2. Short-term rental: $1,500/day (water and electricity included)


Zone B
Berth type Number of open berths Vessel length limit (meter) Vessel width limit(meter) Vessel depth limit(meter) Water supply at shore Electricity supply at shore Fuel supply ice
Float berth 9 13.95 5.00 5.00 NTD 10 /kWh NTD 5/kWh N/A N/A
Float berth 6 22.00 10.00 5.00 NTD 10 /kWh NTD 5/kWh N/A N/A
Fee Schedule

1. Long-term lease: A 70-foot ship pays $35,000/month (water and electricity are charged individually), and a ship with the length of the berth exceeding the berth length pays NT$500 per sq. ft. The details are as follows:
Example 1: A 70 feet ship for mooring at a 70-foot berth in the pier 2, (extra-length 5 feet * $500 = $2,500) + $35,000 = $37,500 per month.
Example 2: A 70 feet ship for mooring at a 70-foot berth in the pier 2, the fee is the minimum rent = $35,000 per month.

2. Short-term rental: $1,500/day (water and electricity included)

Zone C
Berth type Number of open berths Vessel length limit (meter) Vessel width limit(meter) Vessel depth limit(meter) Water supply at shore Electricity supply at shore Fuel supply ice
Float berth 1 22 7.50 5.00 NTD 10 /kWh NTD 5/kWh N/A N/A
Float berth 16 13.00 5.00 5.00 NTD 10 /kWh NTD 5/kWh N/A N/A
Fee Schedule

1. Long-term lease: A 70-foot ship pays $35,000/month (water and electricity are charged individually), and a ship with the length of the berth exceeding the berth length pays NT$500 per sq. ft. The details are as follows:
Example 1: A 70 feet ship for mooring at a 70-foot berth in the pier 2, (extra-length 5 feet * $500 = $2,500) + $35,000 = $37,500 per month.
Example 2: A 70 feet ship for mooring at a 70-foot berth in the pier 2, the fee is the minimum rent = $35,000 per month.

2. Short-term rental: $1,000/day (water and electricity included)

Zone D
Berth type Number of open berths Vessel length limit (meter) Vessel width limit(meter) Vessel depth limit(meter) Water supply at shore Electricity supply at shore Fuel supply ice
Float berth 13 27.50 7.50 5.00 NTD 10 /kWh NTD 5/kWh N/A N/A
Fee Schedule

1. Long-term lease: A 70-foot ship pays $35,000/month (water and electricity are charged individually), and a ship with the length of the berth exceeding the berth length pays NT$500 per sq. ft. The details are as follows:
Example 1: A 70 feet ship for mooring at a 70-foot berth in the pier 2, (extra-length 5 feet * $500 = $2,500) + $35,000 = $37,500 per month.
Example 2: A 70 feet ship for mooring at a 70-foot berth in the pier 2, the fee is the minimum rent = $35,000 per month.

2. Short-term rental: $1,500/day (water and electricity included)

Number of Visitors:4,042 Last Update: 2024-08-21
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