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Attractions Nearby

Small Town Scenery
Small Town Scenery-movie Cape No. 7 photography location
Small Town Scenery-fishing boat
A coastal geological wonder
Chuhuo, Hengchun

Hengchun Ancient City, situated at the center of the township, is one of Taiwan's more well-preserved historical buildings, and consequently has been listed as a national second-grade historic site. The four ancient city gates of east, west, south and north are just enough to make an ideal tour route. Tourists can begin their tour from the West Gate, and drink in the ancient city atmosphere!

Monkey Cave Mountain

The place is close to the West Gate, and in the past, was considered to be of great geomantic (feng shui) relevance to Hengchun City, making it auspicious. The top of the hill was considered to be the best place to catch a glimpse of Hengchun Ancient City's geomantic mysteries. It has now been made into a park where people can enjoy a rest.

Guangning Temple

Located near to the West Gate, this temple honors the "San Shan King" deity as well as the city god from City God Temple. It was established in the same year as Hengchun City, in 1875. At the back of the temple are buildings made of coral reef, with four Chinese characters carved in the wall on the right side. Near to these carved characters, the poem "The Eight Scenes of Hengchun" has also been carved into the wall to describe the scenic spots around Hengchun Old City.

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Number of Visitors:12,076 Last Update: 2019-09-16
Recommendation Level 511 Recommend
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