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Duzaiping Intertidal Zone

Special intertidal-zone geo-scapes
Duzaiping Intertidal Zone
Intertidal-zone creatures
Intertidal-zone coasts

Intertidal zones refer to the coasts that are covered by ocean water at high tides and are revealed at low tides. In Liuqiu, intertidal zone tours are highly popular. The tidal time is different from day to day, and therefore the tours are held at different hours daily, sometimes in the day and at others at night. Finding ocean creatures at the zones feels adventurous. It is a pleasant surprise when finding something - and this is a great way to learn about the seas.

The Duzaiping Intertidal Zone is on the northwest corner of the Liuqiu Island. It is only 300 meters away from the southern tip of a local camping zone. This mellow intertidal area spreads as far as 1,600 meters and is blessed with a beautiful topography composed of coastal erosion platforms and sand beaches. Benthic organisms abound in shallow water areas, such as coral reefs and shells. There are also numerous kinds of fish, sea urchins and sea hares in its tidal pools. Other intertidal creatures found in Duzaiping include brittle stars, burrowing urchins, sickle seagrass, and various different hermit crabs.

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Number of Visitors:13,517 Last Update: 2023-08-15
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