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A two-day visit to Liuqiu for elderly visitors

  • Travel type: offshore island exploration
  • Traffic info: The Liuqiu people mainly rely on boats to reach the outside world. From Donggang, a boat trip to  Little Liuqiu is about 30 minutes. Upon arriving in Little Liuqiu, rent a bike or electronic motorcycle to move about.
  • Notes:

    1. Boat schedules can change due to seasonal weather conditions and winds and waves. If possible, call a local boat company to make sure the boats are still available on the day of travel. More boats may also be available on weekends and holidays, as well as in high travel months.

    2. Please leave the conserved wildlife alone at Duoziping, Geban Bay, Shanfu, Yuchengwei, Zhongao Beach and Little Liuqiu Intertidal Zone. Don’t ever catch or hunt them. In particular, to visit Shanfu, you must join a tour given by certified professional guides. You will also only be allowed to visit designated areas. Maximum 300 visitors are allowed at Shanfu at a time.

    3. To protect the green turtles, From May 1 to October 31 each year, from 20:00 until the next morning at 5:00, night control is in place at Duoziping, Geban Bay and certain intertidal zones.

    4. We highly recommend that you stay at least two days and a night, so as to have ample time to explore the island. Many B&Bs offer two-day package tours, too. You won’t have plan an itinerary by yourself. Depending on weather conditions, scuba-diving, star-watching and ecological tours will be included in a package tour. If you wish to take intertidal zone tours, please ask a professional guide to guide you.

    5. Please respect  Little Liuqiu’s nature and culture as you explore and experience them. Please do not play firecrackers in the night and also lower your voice then.

    6. Again, it is recommended to ride an electronic motorcycle or a bike as you visit various places in  Little Liuqiu. This will make your trip more convenient and comfortable.

    7. The island’s medical center is Little Liuqiu Public Health Center.

    8. Payable admissions are applied to some scenic spots. A combo ticket for the Beauty Cave, Wild Boar Ditch and Black Devil Cave is NT$120 for adults. For elders aged 65 or more, a special discount fare is offered at NT$80.
Day 1
14:00-14:30 Donggang Port, Little Liuqiu
14:30-15:30 Little Liuqiu Visitor Center
15:30-16:00 Beauty Cave
16:00-18:00 Samaji Holiday Resort
18:00-19:00 Dinner
Other than local restaurants, you can choose to enjoy some BBQ that your B&B has prepared.
Day 2
09:00-10:00 Wild Boar Ditch
10:00-10:50 Black Devil Cave
10:50-11:10 Houshi Fringing Reef
11:00-12:00 Vase Rock
14:00-14:30 Donggang Port, Liuqiu

Food & Accommodation:

Samaji Holiday Resort

Address:No.1, Meiren Rd.,Liuqiu Township, Pingtung County 929, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Number of Visitors:6,774 Last Update: 2023-08-31
Elderly’s ToursOther Itinerary
Recommendation Level 527 Recommend
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