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Eagle-Observation at Manjhou

Eagle-Observation at Manjhou

Manzhou County is located in a valley, and surrounded by mounds. Since the mountains form a natural barrier, it is the best place to shelter from the Hengchun winds. With the added attraction of abundant vegetation, the Gray-faced Buzzard Hawks have for many years selected the mountainous forests areas to be their roosting stop during their long southbound migration. One year, more than one thousand hawks were recorded to have visited there.

Eagle Observation Hours

Many Gray-faced Buzzard Hawks roost in the mountainous areas of Manzhou around Double Tenth Day. The best observation times are from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Tourists can see thousands of vultures hovering above in the sky.

Eagle Observation Places

Gray-faced Buzzard Hawks roost in the Lide Village area whenever they visit the Manzhou Area. Manzhou Bridge, Shanding Bridge and Lide Bridge are the best observation places

  • Eagle Observation Places

Services & Facilities

  • Parking lot

Related Info

Opening Time: 8:00-17:00


Address:Manzhou Township, Pingtung County

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Itinerary Liuqiu Accessible Travel Itinerary
Liuqiu Accessible Travel Itinerary
Number of Visitors:13,075 Last Update: 2021-09-23
Recommendation Level 572 Recommend
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