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Three treasures of Hengchun

Three treasures of Hengchun: Sisal, Onion and Watermelon


Sisal was introduced to Taiwan by American commissioner John W. Davis. A few sisal plants were first grown in the Hengchun Tropical Plant Breeding and Cultivation Ground. Because the plants adjusted to the environment well, soon, sisal was widely grown and became a major crop in Hengchun. Sisal-growing and sisal rope-production remained the major industrial activities of Hengchun for some time, but as the international market became overly competitive, sisal price plummeted. Today, barely any profits can be made from sisal.

  • Sisal
  • Sisal


Hengchun is the most important origin of onions in Taiwan. The dry sand and gravel of the peninsula and the strong Luo-Shan Wind in the winter make Hengchun a great place for onions to grow. The stronger the winds, the better the onions are. Every year, in March and April, piles of golden onions can be seen shining under the Sun in Hengchun.

  • Onion


  • Watermelon



Watermelons are grown along the Sichong and Fonggang river banks in Hengchun when the Luo-shan Winds (katabatic winds) blow. In fact, Hengchun is the only place that produces watermelons in the winter in Taiwan. The reddish watermelon pulp looks just as fiery as the Sun in the Hengchun Peninsula’s sky. The sweet and juicy watermelons have a very pleasant taste.

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Number of Visitors:9,694 Last Update: 2021-09-23
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