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The Liuqiu Management Station and Visitor Center

Liuqiu Tourist Center Gate
A 3D colorful wall, Liuqiu Visitor Center
Liuqiu Tourist Center
The building features red tiles and white walls

The Liuqiu Management Station and Visitor Center is located on the mid mountain beside the Baisha Port. There is an information service counter in the hall where staff provides instant travel advice. The center is also equipped with an outdoor scenic platform where visitors can stop by to appreciate views of the Baisha Port and the surrounding oceanic scenery.

The management station building features red tiles and white walls. European tower roofs, standing columns and hallways make it even more unique. Because it looks so different from the rest of the buildings in Liuqiu, the building recently became a popular scenic spot locally.

Services & Facilities

  • Parking lot
  • Available online

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Number of Visitors:16,073 Last Update: 2021-10-26
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