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Sanlong Temple

Temple exterior
Temple entrance

Located at the south of Benfu village of Liuqiu, Sanlong temple is the religious center of the residents. In this temple, Chih, Wu, and Jhu three deties are consecrated, known as Sanfu Cian-Sui-Ye who are carried by Mingsan Chen from his original temple was located on Double Phoenix Yellow Sun Cave. It was first built during the ruling year of Emperor Qienlong of Qing Dunasty and people rebuilt  the hut-house temple into a brick temple in 1961. 

 The current structure was renovated in 1982, lasting one year and ten months, occupying approximately 10,000 square meters. Sanlong Temple is now the biggest temple in Liuqiu, where the peace praying ceremony of welcoming Wangye is held every three years, making  it the most representative cultural activity in Liuqiu Township. In addition, it symbolizes a rich relationship with the Wangye Worshipping Ceremony in Donglong Temple of Donggang.

Services & Facilities

  • Parking lot

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Number of Visitors:13,627 Last Update: 2019-10-25
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