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Biyun Temple

Biyun Temple
Believers swarm in
Biyun Temple (wetland and a bamboo forest)

Biyun Temple used to be known as Guanyin Pavilion located in Dafu Village . The resplendent hundred-year-old Biyun Temple built in 1877 is mainly worshipped Guanyin Buddha.

In 1990,it was rebuilt into its present form and currently serves as a center of worship and spiritual activity for the island''s inhabitants!

Below the Biyun Temple is a wooded trail that meanders through a wetland and a bamboo forest. Sunshine quietly sprinkles through bamboo leaves in the day and street lamps adorn the trail with dots of light in the night. Streams of water sing with the winds in harmony. The singing of frogs can also be heard here and there.

Services & Facilities

  • Parking lot

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Number of Visitors:13,762 Last Update: 2021-05-24
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