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Yingxia Bridge Pavilion

A panoramic view of the corridor
A great place for parents and children on bicycles
The front of a bridge

Dapeng Bay’s bicycle path leads to the Left Bank Wetland Park at 2k+500. Because it goes through Linbian Drainage halfway, a bridge for bicycles and pedestrians was needed. Considering southern Taiwan’s warm climate, a V-shaped slanted blind roof which only allows light to go through partially was adopted. In fact, the roof not only keeps the scorching Sun away, but also lower human disturbance for animals. This makes Yingxia Bridge Pavilion a perfect bird-watching spot. As the 35-meter bridge looks like a pavilion, people call it “bridge pavilion.” Again, the bridge enables bicycles and people to cross the drainage. It also serves as an important place for making ecological observations. Made with steel and wood, the bridge’s design is inspired by the Bridges of Madison County. We hope that visitors can enjoy a beautiful encounter with the bay’s nature on this bridge.

The bridge pavilion looks like a wooden boat navigating water under the blue sky and verdant trees. Visitors may want to linger for a while on the bridge to enjoy some carefree and graceful moments. Let light permeate from the top of the bridge pavilion as breezes blow. Why not breathe in and out with nature, feel the vibration of the Earth., and even fly with migratory birds at heart at Yingxia Bridge Pavilion.

Services & Facilities

  • Parking lot

Accessible Facilities

  • Accessible Parking:Car: 2 spaces

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Itinerary Enjoy a two-day accessible tour in Dapeng Bay and Liuqiu
Enjoy a two-day accessible tour in Dapeng Bay and Liuqiu
Number of Visitors:10,241 Last Update: 2019-09-16
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