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2024 Joint Civil-Military Air-Defense exercise(No.47 Wan-An Exercise)

  • Air-Defense exercise will take place from July 22 to 25 islandwide. Early warning systems and regional procedures in response to air defense readiness will be validated.
  • Date July 22th July 23th July 24th July 25th
    Time 1:30PM to 2:00PM, 30 min total
    Region Central Northern Eastern and offshore islands Southern
    Local governments Miaoli County
    Taichung City
    Nantou County
    Changhua County
    Yunlin County
    Chiayi City
    Chiayi County
    Yilan County
    Keelung City
    Taipei City
    New Taipei City
    Taoyuan City
    Hsinchu City
    Hsinchu County
    Hualian County
    Taitung County
    Kinmen County
    Lianjiang County
    Penghu County
    Tainan City
  • When the air-defense alarm sounds(or all citizen receives mobile phone warning messages is recived), all citizens shall follow the guidance of the police and civil defense staff to conduct evacuation to the close shelters.
  • Siren sounds indicate the start of the drill:The siren sounds a 15-second high-tone followed by a 5-second low-tone with three cycles for 115 seconds in total.
    Siren sounds will end:A 90-second high-tone.
  • Anyone violates the rules and regulations of the drill will be fined between NTD $30,000 and NTD $150,000 according to the Civil Defense Act.
Number of Visitors:418 Last Update: 2024-06-11
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