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Lots of giveaways! 2024 Light up Taiwan - Southernmost Point Eluanbi Lighthouse Bike Tour, let’s take a leisurely trip to explore the Hengchun Peninsula on September 22


“Taiwan Lighthouse: Light up Taiwan” event series revolves the theme of lighthouses at the geographical extremities of Taiwan. Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Headquarters, Tourism Administration, MOTC will hold the “2024 Light up Taiwan - Southernmost Point Eluanbi Lighthouse Bike Tour.” This promotes the area via relaxing and leisurely cycling, combined with check-in points to connect Pingtung Opener operator chains, allowing visitors to deeply experience the beauty of southern Taiwan by digitally integrating food, accommodation, travel and shopping in feature stores.

The event offers two routes, including a long-distance 79km challenge group and a short-distance 39km leisure group. The event starts from Eluanbi Lighthouse and passes through famous scenic spots such as Longpan Park, Shuiwaku Grasslands, Fongchueisha, Baoan Temple, Maobitou and other places allowing visitors to experience the beautiful scenery of Hengchun Peninsula and learn about local cultural and historical sites. Cyclists can use the “Southernmost Point Official Line” to check in and collect points at the attractions and event partner stores. After collecting 7 points, visitors can redeem “local feature souvenirs” at the event venue, which includes route maps and information about cooperative store discounts, tour introductions and other information for cyclists. There is also a badge achievement wall to enjoy the fun of unlocking tasks.

Participants who sign up receive a high-quality souvenir T-shirt and a water bottle. On completing the route those in the long-distance challenge group receive a “folding bucket hat” and a “Complete Ride cutlery set” designed based on the characteristics of the Hengchun Peninsula. This event combines the concept of carbon reduction by replacing plastic bags with “recycling packaging” that can be returned and reused making this a green event.

In order to offer a more complete and diverse experience, the event is also combined with local accommodation in Pingtung. Cyclists who check in the night before the event receive a subsidy of NT$500; the event provides bike and e-bike rental services and a rental subsidy of NT$300; If participants take a TRA or Taiwan high speed train, the ticket stub and a photo with one of the trains can be exchanged for a “waterproof bag”; if participants take part in the beach cleanup event organized by Kenting National Park Headquarters on September 21, they receive a “messenger bag” and a “pendant hand made by the local community.” For more details about beach cleanup information, contact “Kenting National Park Headquarters”.

The event also launches an alternative “Twin Towers Event” As part of which “Twin Towers Warriors” who go to Liuqiu Island Lighthouse (White Lighthouse) and participate in the Southernmost Point cycling event receive a “Mobile Phone Bicycle Rack” (first 10 people). There are so many giveaways. It is hoped that cyclists will take a two-day, one-night or three-day two-night bicycle tour in southern Taiwan and enjoy a leisurely trip.

Individuals can sign up for the event right now, but the number of event participants and subsidies on offer are limited. For more details, please refer to the sign up guide (sign up link). For more information on the event, check the「Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Headquarters」 FB fans page.

【Taiwan Lighthouse: Light up Taiwan Event】
  • Event Date:September 22, 2024
  • Event Place:Eluanbi Park
  • Event Team:Long-distance 79km challenge group;Short-distance 39km leisure group
  • Sign Up Date:From today until July 31st (Wed.)23:59
Bike Tour Visual
Southernmost Route 39km
Southernmost Route 79km
Number of Visitors:1,215 Last Update: 2024-10-08
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