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Recommended Muslim itinerary in Pingtung Opener

Meet at Exit 1 of Zuoying High Speed Rail Station → Visit Shengli Star Village → Lunch at Ham’s Private Kitchen → Dapeng Bay bicycle tour → Refreshments at Maritime Building Café → Dapeng Bay Visitor Center → Ponfu Tourism Yacht + Grilled Oysters → Dinner at Yung Shing Seafood Restaurant → Accommodation: Meet Secret B&B
Breakfast → Visit Free Power Soap Cultural and Creativity Theme Museum → Lunch at Free Power Soap Cultural and Creativity Theme Museum → Seadawn Marine Food Culture Museum DIY → Afternoon Tea at Banli café → Return to Zuoying High Speed Rail Station

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Recommended Muslim itinerary in Pingtung Opener
Number of Visitors:1,988 Last Update: 2024-04-02
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