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MUSE Design Award: Gold Winner | 2023 BLING ONE - Dapeng Bay Marine Festival

Thanks to every member involved in plans to light up Dapeng Bay in late spring and early summer, allowing more people to experience the beauty of sailing life in Dapeng Bay.

In 2023, with BLING ONE as the summer festival brand, the month-long event attracted people from all over with a rich array of performing arts, daytime yachts and evening light shows. BLING presents an image of twinkling waves, and the overall lighting design brings those waves into the night; ONE represents the unique humanity and culture of Dapeng Bay, and BLING ONE welcomes people from all over the world.

MUSE Design Award: Gold Winner | 2023 BLING ONE - Dapeng Bay Marine Festival

大鵬灣帆船生活Dapeng Bay Marine Festival Rich performing arts

Yacht during the day night lights

BLING is the image of sparkling waves The overall lighting design brings the sparkle of the waves into the night
Dapeng Bay Sailing Life Festival, every April in Dapeng Bay 

Dapeng Bay Sailing Life Special Experience Activities

Quickly get the experience of purchasing a sailing boat
Number of Visitors:1,986 Last Update: 2024-09-20
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