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Machou Township is located in southeastern Taiwan. It has strange but beautiful coasts, diverse oceanic resources, and long-time culture and history.


Manjhou County is located in a valley, and surrounded by mounds. Since the mountains form a natural barrier, it is the best place to shelter from the Hengchun winds. With the added attraction of abundant vegetation, the Gray-faced Buzzard Hawks have for many years selected the mountainous forests areas to be their roosting stop during their long southbound migration. One year, more than one thousand hawks were recorded to have visited there.

Jialeshuei is situated in Manjhou County, on the east coast of the Hengchun Peninsula. It used to be called “Chialowhsui”, which in the Taiwanese dialect means “water that falls from a high place.” In 1975, the late President Chiang Ching-kuo renamed this place Jialeshuei, meaning “beautiful, happy waters”, and gave his blessing to plans to improve the welfare of the area. The previously un-named waterfalls were named “Shanhai Falls”. Since then, Jialeshuei has become a well-known scenic spot.


Jialeshuei has become a well-known scenic spot. Due to the natural beauty of its white caps and unusual rocks, Manjhou County Township Office decided to establish the "Jialeshuei Scenic Area".

This was to allow the tourists to experience the amazing seacoast scenery. The coast here originally was made up of rock stratum which had accumulated deep in the ocean.

The parallel rock layers are clearly visible, and contain many historical and geological mysteries. Tourists can arrange tours according to the following three kinds of topographies: "deep ocean rock stratum ", "sandstone", and "rock seacoast".

Along the way, tourists can view the famous Shanhai Waterfalls, as well as various unusual rock formations, such as the Chessboard Rocks, Honeycomb Rocks, Frog Rocks and Sea Horse Rocks.

All of these landscapes are natural formations, and the result of continuous accumulations, piling and erosion. When visiting Jialeshuei, it is helpful to have a prior knowledge of the geological background.

Total No. of Data : 5
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