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A1 No departure HSR Zuoying
A2 10:28 Dongang-Liuqiu Line Pier983-FY
A3 10:38 Fooyin University Hospital983-FY
A4 10:39 Dongang Bus Station983-FY
A5 10:47 Bayside Wharf983-FY
A6 Coming Dapeng Bay Visitor Center983-U7

Donggang Ferry Terminal


Fooyin University Hospital

The most charming part of Donggang is the fishing port style and atmosphere. Donglong Temple is a must visit attraction for visitors, with the Donggang King Boat Ceremony held once every three years, annual black tuna cultural tourism season, and the must-try three treasures of Donggang: black tuna, sakura shrimp and oil fish roe, guaranteeing visitors can pick up all the souvenirs they want with a trip to the nearby seafood street.


Dongang Bus Station

Dongang Bus Station

The event integrates urban and highway bus services, the Taiwan Tourist Shuttle service and TaxiBus routes, with a Youbike rental station also available. The area is an important transportation node for central and western Pingtung. Eastbound routes reach Chaozhou Transfer Station, northbound routes directly reach Pingtung Transfer Station, Kaohsiung Zuoying High Speed Rail, while for southbound routes go to Dapeng Bay Visitor Center, Fangliao, Hengchun, Kenting etc.


Bayside Wharf Station

In Donggang there are rare sailboats, canoes, speedboats and more. The dense fine sand from the estuary of the bay area together with the unique natural environment means there is wind but no waves. It is also a favorite spot with domestic sailing experts and Dapeng Bay Sailing Life Festival is held every April to May, integrating sports and tourism as it aims to become a center for local water sports and sailing in Taiwan.

Information Station

Dapeng Bay Visitor Center Station

When visitors come to Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Headquarters, the first stop is the visitor center. Here you can get tide information, a map of Dapeng Bay and occasional giveaway gifts, while also talking to volunteers and getting leaflets that include all the details needed for a memorable visit.

Information Station
Ride Information

1.THSR Zuoying Station <-> Donggang Ferry Terminal, PTbus Donggang Station One-way NT$120
2.THSR Zuoying Station <-> Bayside Wharf Station, Dapeng Bay One-way NT$153
3.Discounted online booking rate Round trip NT$250
(Please refer to the KT-Bus website for interval fares and smart card payment fares)

Service Hotline

Dapeng Bay Liuqiu Express Hotline:
(07)285-0252 Service hours: 09:00~17:00
(07)862-5388 Service hours: 08:10~19:10
**If you require a barrier-free bus, please call and reserve at least three days prior to your trip due to maintenance reasons. Reservation hotline: 0800-777767**

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