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The Tourism Administration won 6 Green Destinations international sustainability awards!

The auspicious 2023 Global Green Destinations Day Conference was held on October 8 in Tallinn, Estonia, the Green Capital of Europe. Taiwan once again performed well, with all six destinations participating in the Green Destination Competition and Certification Program, winning Green Destinations story awards.
  • "Culture & Tradition" Category: "Penghu National Scenic Area Headquarters Explore Penghu's Nasca Lines - Guardians of Stone Weirs" and Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area Headquarters "Use the sustainable tourism model to make tribes have new possibilities- Economy under the forest."
  • "Business & Marketing" Category: East Coast National Scenic Area Headquarters "Moonlight Sea Concerts on the East Coast of Taiwan - Sustainability in Action" and Northeast and Yilan Coast National Scenic Area Headquarters "A Transformation of Abandoned Military Camp in Bitou Cape."
  • "Nature & Scenery" Category: Southwest Coast National Scenic Area Headquarters "Dancing with Water - Wetlands and Water Control"
  • "Destination Management" Category: North Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area Headquarters "A Path Toward the Hideaway: Creating Access to the Hideaway Beach in Alapawan Through Sustainability Practices."
The Tourism Administration won 6 Green Destinations international sustainability awards!
Number of Visitors:2,568 Last Update: 2023-10-24
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