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2023 Dragon Boat Festival Extended Holiday Public Transport Ticket Discount Offer

In order to encourage more people (students) to take public transport during the extended holiday, the Directorate General of Freeways, MOTC is launching ticket discount offers for public transport tickets during the extended Dragon Boat Festival Holiday as follows:
(1) Holders of tickets for 87 national freeway bus routes can enjoy weekdays discounts or 15% off the original fare.
(2) If passengers take a National Freeway Bus or Taiwan Freeway Bus, and transfer to a local bus within 10 hours, they can enjoy a one-stage ticket or basic mileage for free.
(3) Discounts from June 22-25, 2023 (optional use):
1. Holders of Taipei-Yilan and Taipei-Hualien National Freeway Bus Route Tickets can enjoy discounts when renting a car from designated car rental companies: Use the car rental certificate and above-mentioned round-trip passenger ticket stub to enjoy a discount on the return journey.
2. If passengers purchase the Eastern "Taiwan Tourist Shuttle Service" package or local accommodation certificate they can enjoy a one-way journey on the Taipei-Yilan and Taipei-Hualien National Freeway Bus Route for 4 people with 1 person traveling for free and the total return fare discounted by NT$200.
Number of Visitors:1,750 Last Update: 2023-07-06
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