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2023 New Year's Day Holiday Traffic Information for Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area

As National Freeways are prone to congestion during extended holidays, the Shuidiliao intersection on Provincial Freeway 1 and Provincial Freeway 17 are suggested as alternative road routes.

In order to avoid busy southbound traffic on Provincial Freeway 1, an alternative route for southbound traffic going to Taitung and Hengchun on Provincial Freeway 1 is also available. The route starts by turning left from the left lane on Yongxiang Road and driving along Pingnan Road (on all lanes of the road) until it connects to Provincial Freeway 17.

In order to avoid busy northbound traffic and congestion at Shuidiliao intersection, an alternative route for northbound traffic going in the direction of Donggang and Linbian on Provincial Freeway 1 is provided. This route requires vehicles heading to Provincial Freeway 17 to instead going straight to Provincial Freeway 1 and turn left onto Yongxiang Road into the right lane.

For holiday traffic information, please refer to the attachment.
It is highly recommended that visitors take public transportation to get to scenic areas during the holiday period.
Number of Visitors:1,945 Last Update: 2022-12-30
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