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Gangkou suspension bridge

Gangkou suspen bridge
A red-and-white bridge
Visitor paths

To people who live by rivers, bridges are probably the most important transport facilities. It can take a staggeringly long time to commute without bridges.

Manzhou's Gangkou Bridge is the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in this area. From afar, one can see the red and white bridge crossing Gangkou River. Both sides of the river are adorned with verdant trees. This scenic river is perfect for taking a rest or doing leisure activities. People often come here to row boats.

Services & Facilities

  • Parking lot

Related Info

Opening Time: 7:30a.m.-18:00p.m.(February 8:00 a.m.-17:30 p.m.),situation:not open


URL:Official Site

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Number of Visitors:12,837 Last Update: 2023-11-23
Recommendation Level 561 Recommend
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