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805 Sea Turtles Came Ashore to Lay Eggs at Liuqiu Island

Liuqiu Island is an important habitat for sea turtles. The Ocean Conservation Administration conducted a drone photography survey of the island last July and observed a record 805 turtles. More than 90% were identified as loggerhead turtles which are listed as a category 1 endangered species, with a few hawksbill turtles, an exciting observation for conservation groups. Recently, sea turtles entered spawning season and local residents witnessed nine turtles coming ashore to lay eggs. However, a nest of sea turtle eggs was discovered exposed on the beach, close to driftwood and dead branches, which raised concerns that the eggs might be unable to hatch naturally due to the potential for external impact.

Residents who took pictures of the sea turtle eggs said that if the beach is unable to provide a friendly breeding environment, it will no longer be able to attract sea turtles looking for food and to lay eggs, resulting in a gradual decrease in the number of sea turtles over time. The Ocean Conservation Administration indicated that the issue is under investigation to determine whether the situation is due to environmental abnormalities or the interference of other animals, but it also urged tourists to not visit the beach at night.
Number of Visitors:2,173 Last Update: 2022-05-27
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