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Samaji Coastal Trail invites everyone to go hiking!


The Samaji Coastal Trail, originally constructed to increase land attractions and provide tourists with more places to visit, is a new attraction on the Liuqiu islands. Tourists and local residents can also better understand the history of the fishing village culture of Liuqiu islands through the installation art story of the trail.
During the event, visitors who complete the hiking route and follow related regulations on their own are eligible to receive a gift.

Friends of all ages are welcome to go hiking. If you don’t have a mobile phone (camera) to complete the event requirements, ask accompanying relatives and friends to help you take photos with the designated 8 installation art works.

1. Event date: Starting from March 9th and ending when all gifts are redeemed
2. Event Location:The Samaji Coastal Trail
3. Event Method:
  • Take photos with the designated 8 installation art works
    Hermit Crab Take a Boat Become Adults Aerobics Dragon and lion dance Eight Lucky Animals Seeing the Sea is not the Sea Share the Fish Fight the wave
  • After completing the above steps, go to the Liuqiu Management Station and Visitor Center and show the pictures to counter staff for verification.
  • After filling in basic information you will receive a limited-edition event exquisite gift.(In response to environmental protection, there will be no packaging bags~ Let’s reduce plastic and love the earth together!)。
  • Due to the limited number of gifts (400 pieces), each person can only participate once.
4. Redemption time: 8:30-17:30 daily (No. 20-1, Minzu Road, Liuqiu Township, Pingtung County)
5. Samaji Coastal Trail Entrance coordinates:
  • Taizi Temple Direction: 22°19'52.7"N 120°21'22.4"E(Map Link)
  • Shanfu artillery position Direction: 22°20'37.7"N 120°21'44.6"E(Map Link)

If the gifts have been redeemed in full, we apologize for not making a timely announcement.

Number of Visitors:2,383 Last Update: 2024-04-09
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