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Help The Sea Turtles Clean Up the Hatch Spot At the Beach

"Liuqiu Love Turtle Plastic Reduction Event" will hold five activities from July 13th to 15th, July 21st and July 22nd. The Love Turtle Clean Beach Relay Race jointly organized by Dapeng Bay National Scenic Management Office, Hiin Studio, Taiwan Laogu Islet Association, and Liuqiu Township Office enters its seventh year. This year, the event also joined with "JKOPay" to hold a lucky draw so anyone who took part in the beach cleaning can have a chance to win a NT$100NT voucher.

The beach money cleaning event has been a popular activity to reduce the use of plastics in Liuqiu. It enters its seventh year in 2022 and attracts hundreds of participants every year. Dapeng Bay National Scenic Management Office uses the fun beach money cleaning event to promote sustainable tourism as it strives to strike a balance between ecology and tourism.

Dapeng Bay National Scenic Management Office indicated that this year’s event is held in conjunction with JKOPay and all JKOPay partner stores in Liuqiu, Donggang, and Dapeng Bay. At the same time, it aims to expand the impact of the beach cleaning concept and attract more attention from the general public through the promotion of the mobile payment platform.

Hiin Studio indicated that teams participating in the beach money cleaning event will be ranked based on the amount of garbage they collect with the winner receiving an exquisite beach money made from sea floating glass. The coin can be used as a voucher in more than 100 stores around the island, which the Tourism Bureau recommends as one of the must do things when visiting Liuqui. The event page is also open for registration or the information is available by searching for "2022 Beach money Cleaning." Visitors are welcome to take part in the event.

It is not an easy task to win a beach money as participants are required to first listen to a briefing and receive training on plastic reduction and sea turtle conservation at the Liuqiu Visitor Center. They then have to try to clean the beach under the scorching sun and pick up enough garbage to win. Those taking part not only have fun but also learn about plastic-reduction and low-carbon tourism, while gaining an in depth understanding of plastic pollution on local beaches. It is hoped tourists will gradually change their behavior thereby reducing the impact of tourism on the environment. If you want to experience a meaningful and popular beach cleaning activity this summer, visiting Liuqiu is a great option.

Beach money Redeeming Map 
Number of Visitors:3,581 Last Update: 2022-07-22
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