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Dapeng Bay Accessible Tours

Suggested route
11:00-14:00 Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Headquarters & Visitor Center
14:00-14:40 Sunset Bay
14:40-15:30 Qifong Wetland
15:30-16:40 Dapeng Bay Bayside Wharf (Sailboat Club)
16:40- Dapeng Bay Bridge

Public transport:

1.Bus schedule for the Kenting Express, Taiwan Tourist Shuttle, (The yellow ones are low-floor bus. Plate number: 309-FT. )
2. Health Bus:
(1)  Available time: 8am – 5pm, Mondays to Sundays
(2)  Reservation: Please make a phone reservation 7 days prior to your day of travel.
(3)  Reservation hotline:


  • Northern Pingtung: 886-8-7386626
  • Central Pingtung: 886-8-7887433
  • Southern Pingtung: 886-8-8892293#731
  • Liuqiu Township: 886-8-8612501#118
Number of Visitors:7,218 Last Update: 2024-05-30
Recommendation Level 482 Recommend
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