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Liuqiu Island Recycles Waste Wine Bottles to Make Life Loving Tumblers

Liuqiu Island has promoted the "Liuxing Cup Sharing" system for over four years and in that time the program is estimated to have eliminated 66,000kg of hand-shake drink and PET bottles. The Natural Humanities and Ecological Tourism Association, which currently operates the Liuxing Cup system, recently teamed up with the local "Wangye Worshipping Ceremony," to laser engrave an image of the Wangye boat onto the tumblers which are made from recycled glass wine bottles.

Tourism has flourished on Liuqiu in recent years, with many visitors enjoying drinking at scenic seaside spots. However, the wine bottles left behind which are heavy and easily broken, have created a serious waste problem, while the cost of cleaning and transportation was especially high and needed to be urgency addressed.

The association introduced drilling machines and laser engraving machines. First, the wine bottles are cut open and the opening ground smooth, with the pattern then laser engraved, while using the name "Life Loving" to raise ecological awareness. In this way waste glass is transformed into exquisite glass art works that were originally used for environmental education promotion purposes. Since the tumblers are useful, exquisitely decorated and ecologically friendly, they have become increasingly popular with the public. In the future, a promotion will be launched to encourage merchants to purchase cups with customized patterns and funds earned from the promotion be used to boost the sustainable operation of the Liuxing Cup system.

The plastic reduction part is to continue to promote the "Liuxing Cup." In mid-November, when visitors rent and take photos with Liuxing Cups, share them on the Facebook fan page, like them or leave a message, they will get the chance to win Liuqiu consumption coupons.

Number of Visitors:2,139 Last Update: 2022-06-20
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