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Donggang Fish Market

Fishery boats at Donggang Port
Fish and seafood, freshly out of the sea
The busy local fish market

Donggang is one of Taiwan’s main harbors. The time the fishing boats set out varies. If you want to see the boats return and witness the memorable sight of the catch being unloaded, ask one of the local fishermen when the boats will return and feel the sense of excitement as you wait to see what they bring back. After unloading, the catch is lined up on the dock and covered in ice to keep it fresh. Crowds of buyers and onlookers create a bustling scene, punctuated by the shouts of auctioneers and buyers. It is well worth visiting the fish market to get a taste of the local fishing harbor culture.

Visitors are allowed to watch the whole auction process at the Donggang Fish Auction Ground, but no bids may be placed. There is a special blue fin tuna auction zone between early May and end of June each year. The harvest season for sakura shrimps, on the other hand, kicks off in November and lasts until May in the next year. All such shrimp boats have never caught more than the regulated amount, or gone to the seas on non-harvest seasons. They are great examples of sustainable fishing.

Guangfu Road Seafood Street:

Located close to Section 3 of Guangfu Road the street is lined with seafood restaurants on both sides. Its location allows a wide variety of fresh seafood to be easily obtained so the seafood sold here is fresh and inexpensive. It is known as “Donggang Seafood Street.”

Linbian Seafood Street:

The seafood of Linbian comes mainly from the aquaculture ponds and pens of Donggang, Dapeng Bay and the nearby coast. Its location allows a wide variety of fresh seafood to be obtained easily. Both sides of Zhongshan Road are lined with good seafood restaurants. The freshness and quality of the ingredients and relatively low prices make this street renowned all over Taiwan.  

Services & Facilities

  • Parking lot

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Number of Visitors:20,069 Last Update: 2023-06-09
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