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The Grand Opening of Splendid Footprints and Scenery at Dapeng Bay Art Exhibition

Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area, Tourism Bureau, Ministry of Trnsportation and Communications, will hold the “Splendid Footprints and Scenery at Dapeng Bay Art Exhibition” at the Dapeng Bay Marina Ticket Center from April 14 (Thursday) to April 24 (Sun). On April 15, an opening tea party will be held and participating artists will be invited to share their inspiration when painting scenes from Dapeng Bay.

Eight well-known contemporary Taiwanese artists were invited to visit Dapeng Bay and neighboring villages and towns to create 12 art pieces. The artists include LIN, PAN-SONG, art category award winner for the National Award for Arts born in Donggang, LU, MING-DE, former dean of the College of Arts at National Kaohsiung Normal University, LIN, JHANG-HU, former dean of the National Taipei University of the Arts School of Fine Arts, LI, JHEN-MING, president of the Taiwan Academy of Fine Arts, CHENG, DAI-LE, former director of the Fine Arts Department of National Taiwan Normal University, LI, YI-SYUN, former department chair of the Department of Visual Design at National Kaohsiung Normal University whose mosaic art works can be seen all over Taiwan, LIN, JYUN-LIANG, former dean of the College of Arts at National Normal University and designer of the 2022 Year of the Tiger stamp for the Republic of China, and JHUANG, LIAN-DONG, former Department Chair in the Department of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University. The 12 art works depict the beautiful scenery in different media, catching the scenery at Dapeng Bay in perpetuity, whilst 12 check-in scenic hot spots are set up to attract tourists and boost the local tourism industry.

Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area invited the artists to visit scenic spots and create their own exquisite paintings. The locations included Dapeng Bay Visitor Center, Dapeng Bay Marina, Yingxia Bridge Pavilion, Qingzhou Bay, Cifong Wetland Park, Mangrove Wetland park, Pengcun Wetlands Park, Sunset Bay, Bayfun Land, Dapeng Bay Bridge, Donglong Temple and Linbian Station. The creative media range from ink painting, to mixed media, mosaic tile collages and prints. Through the artists’ skill, the wonderful scenery of Dapeng Bay and the underlying magic of the area are showcased in their art works, offering the ultimate visual enjoyment of reality-based imagination.

Giveaways will be available during the opening tea party. Visitors to the exhibition can admire the paintings up close, listen to the artists share their creative inspiration, and take photos with their favorite works. These can then be uploaded to the organizer’s official fan page with the chance to win a small souvenir associated with the artists’ paintings. However, only 50 souvenirs are available. Fans of Dapeng Bay are welcome to join us for the grand event, and visit the 12 scenic spots to experience first hand the magnificent scenery portrayed by the artists. Come on down and experience this wonderful feast of art.

Exhibition Information:
Opening Tea Party for the Splendid Footprints and Scenery at Dapeng Bay Art Exhibition
Opening Tea Party: 1:00pm to 3:00pm, April 15 (Friday)
Exhibition schedule: April 14 (Thursday) to April 24 (Sunday)
Venue: Dapeng Bay Marina Ticket Center (No. 50, Sec. 5, Pengwan Blvd., Donggang Township, Pingtung County, 928)


Number of Visitors:2,028 Last Update: 2022-04-20
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