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Website Debugging

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Notice on Collection of Personal Data

  • I agree that Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Headquarters,Tourism Administration,Ministry of Transportation and Communications (hereinafter referred to as “the Administration”) may collect, process and utilize my personal data (such identifiable personal data include names, phone numbers and email addresses, and so on) for the purpose ofWebsite Debugging, before the registration period comes to an end, electronically or via paper copies. The data will be used by the Administration and its contractors, within the territory of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
  • I understand that according to the laws I may exert my rights with regard to the aforementioned personal data. I also understand that disagreeing to provide or asking to stop collecting, processing, or utilizing as well as deleting the aforementioned data may lead to failure of attaining the aforementioned purpose. This may stop personal or office data from being registered and delivered correctly.
  • I may exert my rights as the subject of my personal data based on Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act. This includes making an inquiry of and reviewing, requesting a copy of, supplementing or correcting, demanding the cessation of the collection, processing or use of, and erasing my personal data.
  • The Administration will utilize your personal data to contact you and send notices to you, during the time period of the aforementioned purpose. 90 days after registration closes, your data will be masked for protection.