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Little Bay

Visitors doing water activities
Sunbath on the beach

Xiaowan (Small Bay) is located south of the Frog Rock and at the end of the Kenting High Street. It is actually just right in front of the Caesar Park Hotel. This is where tourists gather for some beachside fun. In the day, you can enjoy all kinds of non-powered water activities. In the night, you can carry out more static activities, such as watching the stars or listening to the ocean waves.

Services & Facilities

  • Parking lot
  • Dining

Related Info

Opening Time: All day


More Fun

Enjoy a two-day accessible tour in Dapeng Bay and Liuqiu
Itinerary Enjoy a two-day accessible tour in Dapeng Bay and Liuqiu
Enjoy a two-day accessible tour in Dapeng Bay and Liuqiu
Number of Visitors:10,828 Last Update: 2021-11-01