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Dafu Harbor

A scenic view
Dafu Fishery Port King Boat Ceremony
Dafu Harbor

Dafu Harbor, also known as Daliao Harbor, is located by the east coasts of Dafu Village. Most of the cargo ships which deliver large-sized goods between Taiwan and Liuqiu, as well as the public boats travelling between Donggang and Liuqiu, stop here. A single journey from Donggang to Dafu takes about 30 minutes.

Most of the shops are located at Baisha Tourist Harbor's tourist area. There, you may find plenty of scooter rentals, too. Scooters are a convenient means of transport for visitors to explore the island. Don't forget to ask the boat staffers at which port they will park the boat if you ever visit Liuqiu by sea.

Services & Facilities

  • Parking lot

Related Info

Opening Time: All day


Address:Dafu Harbor, Liouciou Township, Pingtung County

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Number of Visitors:10,316 Last Update: 2023-08-10