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Vase Rock

Vase Rock
Flower Vase Rock sunset
Visitors have fun in water
Visitor paths
A scenic view

The Vase Rock is the most salient landmark of Liuqiu . It is a coral-limestone, approximately nine meters high. This coral rock has a large head and a narrow body due to sea erosion. With the tip of the rock covered with wild plants like headache trees and turpeths, the rock looks like a vase full of flowers. This is why it’s called the Vase Rock.

Services & Facilities

  • Parking lot

Related Info

More Fun

Enjoy a two-day accessible tour in Dapeng Bay and Liuqiu
Itinerary Enjoy a two-day accessible tour in Dapeng Bay and Liuqiu
Enjoy a two-day accessible tour in Dapeng Bay and Liuqiu
Number of Visitors:17,493 Last Update: 2021-10-26