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The Liuqiu free rental Liuxing cup system eliminates 440,000 disposable drinking cups in 4 years

In recent years, Liuqiu has become a popular scenic destination. In order to build up a low-carbon island environment and reduce the burden imposed by tourism, the Environmental Protection Administration has joined with the county Environment Protection Agency and local civil organizations to promote the free rental "Liuxing Cup Sharing Action." With support from hundreds of stores, it has become popular and fashionable to carry a "Liuxing Cup" with visitors to the island. As a result, 440,000 disposable bottles or beverage cups have been eliminated and carbon emissions reduced by 66,000 kilograms.

The "Liuxing Cup Sharing Action" aims to reduce the use of disposable drinking cups. After the first-year demonstration plan in the public sector, the local Liuqiu Natural, Cultural and Ecological Tourism Association took over. In addition to renting cups to keep drinks warm for free when purchasing drinks at rental points, you can also rent cups through hotel reservations and car rentals. A variety of simple and fast rental methods are available. After four years the number of stores involved increased from 29 to 84 last year and is likely to pass 100 this year.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to prevent infection and ensure safety is even more important, so the "Liuxing Cup" system includes an independent cleaning station. After two cleaning procedures, cups are dried and disinfected at high temperature and samples are sent to the National Animal Industry Foundation for a sanitation inspection every month. The convenience of the process for visitors, peace of mind when renting a cup and the ability to make a personal contribution to protect the environment help ensure the borrowing rate is high.

If you rent and use the Liuxing Cup in Liuqiu, take a group photo or photo of you using it, go to the "Liuxing Cup" Facebook fan page and like a picture, leave a comment below the event or post a photo and Tag a Facebook friend, then you have a chance to win Liuqiu travel coupons, which can be used for accommodation, transportation, water activities and dining.

Using grinding technology and laser engraving, Loving Life tumblers are made from waste glass wine bottles in Liuqiu, transforming glass products that are difficult to recycle on the island into exquisite glass art works, which are loved and purchased by members of the public and visitors alike. The objective is to make the best use of Loving Life tumbler sales revenue to encourage the public to protect the environment and reduce waste. Participants are reminded to remove the bottle cap, pour out the contents, rinse the bottle inside and out and dry it before recycling, which is done based on bottle color.
Number of Visitors:3,049 Last Update: 2022-06-20
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